Christians… You have a choice. You can be a God-honoring Christian like me or a God-dishonoring Christian-ish person like Craig Groeschel.
If you are like the 3 above who pleased God by refusing to bow to the golden statue and who walked through the fire unhurt - you are more like me.
But if you are like those who bow with the people-pleasers - you are more like Craig Groeschel who has supported NIKE honoring the false goddess Nike for victory instead of God.
Read Daniel 3 to see what God did for the 3 above and consider what God can also do for you!
Contrast that to unfaithful Craig Groeschel who attempts to make God look unfair for not healing his daughters by claiming he has been so “faithful” - when he certainly has not!
The 3 faithful to God are the ones who experienced the miracle firsthand by walking in the fire unhurt - while those bowing down did not.
Honor God instead of the goddess Nike with NIKE - and see what God can do.
Craig Groeschel of Life Church has admitted to sinning several times an hour - but claims he always brings his best - even going so far as to say God told him he doesn’t even have to do better!
He is wrong again!
If you are a Christian who has read the Bible - you would have read about being without spot or blemish - meaning be without a NIKE logo named in honor of the false goddess Nike.
We are to MAKE EVERY EFFORT to live godly lives - but sadly - the leader of one of the largest churches in the world says to STOP TRYING - he tells his church like a physical trainer might tell a weak person to stop trying to lift a weight to get stronger.
I work for a spiritual trainer named God Who instructs me to MAKE EVERY EFFORT - and my effort to help eliminate NIKE has been seen around the world for God’s glory!
“You MUST be perfect—just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
Words of Jesus
Now… after reading the above… do you really believe the liar Craig Groeschel when he claims God said “No! No! No! to Craig Groeschel needing to be better?
Are we to assume he is perfect and no longer is required by God to be better than his current state of perfection?
He leads a church that has supported NIKE honoring the false goddess Nike for victory over God!
I honor the true God of victory Who always wins!
“If you love me, you will obey my commandments. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, who will stay with you forever. He is the Spirit, who reveals the truth about God. The world cannot receive him, because it cannot see him or know him. But you know him, because he remains with you and is in you.”
John 14:15-17
Jesus said if you love Him - you will obey Him.
The pastor on this page - Pastor Craig Groeschel - admits he is Christian-ish - and he says the Christian-ish person doesn’t have enough Jesus to make a change.
Another way to say that is that he doesn’t love Jesus enough to obey Him.
That’s a problem when Jesus wants Craig to hate the NIKE company honoring the false goddess Nike for victory over Him.
Will Craig Groeschel ever love Jesus enough to change and become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ against NIKE?
Not if he is a people-pleasing Christian-ish pastor instead of a God-pleaser!
Yes… Craig Groeschel of Life Church confessed to being Christian-ish and described himself in the sermon series called “Christian-ish”.
With regard to being godly:
Craig Groeschel says to STOP TRYING
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:5-8
Craig Groeschel says he told God he needs to do better - and claims God told him “No! No! No!
Craig claims only the Holy Spirit can produce fruit though us…
But God’s Word says…
Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.
Matthew 3:8
That means when you as a Christian discover that you have been wearing NIKE honoring the false goddess Nike over God - as an outward sign of repentance with no hypocrisy - you should throw away your sinful NIKE apparel and show yourself devoted to God.
I heard Craig Groeschel talk about being fully devoted to Jesus for years - but when he chose to be what he calls “Christian-ish” - I knew I had to choose pleasing God over pleasing Craig’s sinful NIKE supporting flesh!
That’s the guy who says to stop trying to be godly… and I am the guy saved by Jesus who says to make every effort!
So would he tell you he doesn’t have enough Jesus yet to change his support of sin?
He also admitted he is Christian-ish - so find out what that is before you decide you want to be like him!
No excuse for supporting NIKE sin!
“If you belong to Jesus and you’re connected to the vine - there is no excuse for bad fruit.”
words of Craig Groeschel
When Craig Groeschel has supported the NIKE sin of honoring the false goddess Nike for victory instead of Jesus - Craig was NOT following Jesus! Craig chose instead to walk in the flesh - away from where Jesus was going!
If you choose NIKE instead of Jesus - you are also walking away from where Jesus is going.
I operate this site and have been with God against Nike since the day I found out the truth. I have produced good fruit around the world for God’s glory - in so many places - some I had never even heard of in all my 58 years on this planet!
Craig Groeschel admitted he liked a guy who got into Buddhism and called himself “Christian-ish”… so here is some Buddhism and paganism he promoted in Life Church - against God’s will…
Craig Groeschel used Life Church to promote this NIKE commercial when he was acting like what he calls “Christian-ish” - a commercial that has elements of Buddhism AND paganism related to honor of the pagan goddess Nike - wrongly honored by NIKE.
God sent me to Craig BEFORE the date he planned to show it so he would be aware of NIKE evil - but in his “Christian-ish” state in which he admits is a half-hearted faith with not so much of Jesus to make a change - he didn’t change to obey God - he chose to disobey God and show the commercial anyway - with Buddhism and paganism and “Christian-ish Craig Groeschel” calling the shots like he is God Himself!
After falsely claiming to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ - while not being fully devoted himself -
Craig Groeschel admits he is NOW Christian-ish - emphasis on NOW!
Christian-ish Craig Groeschel of Life Church finally admitted to having a half-hearted faith without truly following Jesus - something I have known for over 12 years!
I was attending Life Church when God had me let him know about NIKE - named to honor the goddess Nike for victory instead of God.
So Craig Groeschel - with his half-hearted faith and his choice NOT to follow Jesus - chose instead to support NIKE insulting Jesus!
(And he has the nerve to get up and act like God should be answering his specific prayers while he lives in his Christian-ish sin)
He says a person like him who is Christian-ish has enough of Jesus to make them feel better - but not so much of Jesus that it changes anything in their life.
He says Christian-ish is the word that describes so many people he has met as pastor at Life Church.
Let’s contrast Craig Groeschel with me.
I love Jesus with a whole-hearted faith and follow Jesus when people like Craig don’t.
So when I discovered the truth about NIKE honoring the false goddess Nike for victory instead of God like pagans - with my whole-hearted faith and desire to follow Jesus - I threw NIKE in the trash and began sharing the truth so that others would honor God.
Craig Groeschel and others led by him were “Christain-ish” - like they didn’t have enough Jesus in their lives to change any pagan clothing that might dishonor God - and they tried to keep me from sharing the truth God wants me to share.
A person who has a whole-hearted faith and is actually loyal to following Jesus - when Christian-ish people like Craig won’t - doesn’t have to take orders from the Christian-ish - and I have continued following Jesus against NIKE ever since.
I am led by Jesus - not Christian-ish Craig Groeschel!
I would rather be the few who stand with God than be numbered with Craig Groeschel and the Christian-ish who fall and refuse to stand with God against NIKE evil.
Craig Groeschel admits to being Christian-ish
Half-hearted faith
Doesn’t truly follow Jesus